Electricity Supply

The Electricity Supply Directorate is answerable to the Executive Directorate for Economic and Financial Affairs.

In accordance with the accepted third energy package and the separation of the distribution and supply activities, equal access to the market of all licensees for trade and supply of electricity shall be ensured.

MH „Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske“ Parent  Joint-stock Company . Trebinje is the only entity within the Holding that holds a license to trade and supply electricity, based on which it is entitled to freely negotiate supply terms with end customers on market principles. In this regard, a Directorate for Electricity Supply was established within the Parent Company, which, as of 1 September 2019, is a new market participant.

Withn the Electricity Supply Directorate there are services as follows:

  1. Market Forecasting and Research Service, Pricing and Tariffs
  2. Commercial Sales, Customer Relations and ;arketing
  3. Accounts Receivable Management and Collection Service

Under the responsibility of the Market Forecasting and Market Research Service, Pricing and Tariffs are the processes of strategic and opernational planning for the consumption of commercial customers in the market analysis and determining the retail price for commerial customers. Activities that should be undertaken in order to complete this process include the operational elaboration of strategic plans through the development of annual, monthly and short-term needs for the purchase and sale of energy to commercial customers, analisys of price development in the retail market, risk analisys and tariff setting.

Sales Department for Commercial Customers, Customer Relationships and Marketing performs sales contracting operations, whereby customer contract models are standardized; monitors and processes customer complaints and complaints, and analyses the commercial quality of the service in terms of its compliance with established quality parameters. The retail market and the role of the supplier in the conditions of its complete openness impose a duty of serious access to marketing activities aimed at retaining the present and attracting new commercial customers.

Jobs under the responsibility of the Claims and Debt Management Department include the clearing, billing, recording and collection of receivables, as well as the management of financial security instruments.