Укупна инсталисана снага
МХ ЕРС располаже са 1300 MW инсталисане снаге.
The Power Utility of Republic of Srpska (ERS) was founded as a Public Company on 2 June, 1992 by a decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska.
The Power Utility of Republic of Srpska is a company with a high share of state capital, and it was necessary to modernize and to restructure in the way that such companies of developed countries are structured, that is, to ensure that the company increases its efficiency and competitiveness in business, and thus and capital market ratings.
Pursuant to the Decision No. 02/ I-020-60 / 06 30 December , 2005, the Government of the Republic of Srpska, in accordance with the Law on Enterprises and the Law on Public Enterprises, defined the structure of the Power Utility of Republic of Srpska as a Mixed holding“ Elektroprivreda Republike srpske” Joint-stock Company Trebinje.
MH Elektroprivreda RS consists of 11 subsidiaries and a parent company that permanently controls, that is, monitors and evaluates the performance of all subsidiaries. MH ERS has five companies that produce electricity. MH ERS also has five electricity distribution companies. MH ERS is also a subsidiary of Research Development Electrical Energy Center Joint-stock engaged in the research, testing and development of power equipment.
The capital structure of the Subsidiaries of MH ERS is: 65% participation of the Parent Company, 20% vouchers, 10% of Retirement Insurance Institute and 5% restitution. Research Development Electrical Energy Center capital structure is: 14% state capital, 51% parent company share, 20% vouchers, 10% of Retirement Insurance Institute and 5% restitution. The parent company MH ERS’s capital structure is 100% State-owned.
MH Elektroprivreda Republic of Srpska is engaged in the activity of electricity generation and exploitation of raw materials needed in electricity production, distribution and sale of electricity, management of the power system of the Republic of Srpska, project management and implementation of projects in the energy sector in the Republic of Srpska.
Electricity is produced from hydro and thermal (coal) sources. The total installed capacity of production facilities in the Elektroprivreda of Republic of Srpska is 1348 MW. The average annual electricity production facilities is around 5000 GWh. Hydro Power Plants and Thermal Power Plants generate approximately the same annual electricity production.
Electricity production in the period (1996-2007), is for the past eleven years, was from 3956 GWh in 1996 to 5413 GWh in 2006.
Republika Srpska covers the area of 25 053 km2 with over 1.5 million inhabitants. In the past, electricity consumption in the Republic of Srpska ranged from 2392 GWh in 1996 to 3275 GWh in 2005.
MH Elektroprivreda Republike Srpske is a significant exporter of electricity in the regional market, so the export of electricity in the past was from 1008 GWh as it was in 2002 to 1972 GWh as it was in 2006.
МХ ЕРС располаже са 1300 MW инсталисане снаге.
Средња годишња производња МХ ЕРС износи 6000 GWh.
МХ ЕРС 25% своје годишње производње електричне енергије извезе у земље у региону.
МХ ЕРС је у 100% власништву Републике Српске и представља једно о најзначајнијих предузећа у Републици.