Environmental protection policy

Organization of environmental protection activities

For the implemtation and realization of the adopted „Environmental Policy“ in the MH „ERS“ Parent Company there is an Ecology Department as part of the Development Directorate. The task of this service is to perform, at the level of MH „ERS“, the function of integrating and leading a single corporate environmental protection policy and thus, also, of suistainable development.

Within the subsidiaries of MH „ERS“ organizational units have been formed (or they are in the constitution phase) and responsible persons were designated with the task of solving environmental protection issues and ensuring sustainable development in their respective companies. They are legally responsible for applying and addressing all aspects of environmentaal protection in their respective companies.

Environmental protection policy

In December 2007, the MH „ERS “adopted a document „ Environmental Protection Policy in the Mixed Holding Power Utility of Republic of Srpska “, defining the strategic goals, strategic directions, environmental protection plans, monitoring and information system. The adopted „ Environmental Protection Policy in the Mixed Holding Power Utility of Republic of Srpska “is binding for all its parts, Legal regulations, standards and EU Directives in the area of environmental protection are respected and the business operations and the development of the MH „ERS“  are planned accordingly. Due to that, the MH „ERS “communicates systemically with the Ministries and other institutions in the area of environmental protection and participates actively in expert working groups for the preparation and revision of certain regulations in this field that affect the activities and the business goals of the MH „ERS“.

Because of the high level of responsibility towards the social community and because it cares about  environmental protection, the priority of the MH „ERS “ is the use of renewable energy sources, just like the inclusion of environmental protection requirements in the development plans and projects, and environmental protection criteria in decision making processes. For the same reason, the MH „ERS“ informs the public about the environmental protection situation through public media and by preparing regular annual reports.

As defined under the environmental protection principles, the MH „ERS“ is guided by their influence on the environment even with regard to the procurement of goods and services. For the purpose of preventing population, the emission of harmful substances in the environment is continuously reduced and eliminated, resources and energy are saved, use of harmful substances is reduced just like the amount of waste, which is properly managed through disposal, reuse and storage. The risk and potential emergencies in terms of environment are constantly assessed, and thereby also possible remediation of the damage caused.

Employees are educated and trained through the environmental education programme with a view to developing awareness, preventive acting and changing of habits in company’s efforts to improve its environmental protection performances.